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Hey Barry & all the readers!

I actually know Barry as a real-life human being - we both worked at Amnesty Ireland and have some lovely friends in common. I love the idea behind Proximities and, when I open it, I'm always glad I did - it's interesting and eye-opening (and succinct!)

However, I must confess that I just don't open it as often as I would like. I'm pretty sure this is because it tends to arrive in my inbox just as I'm winding down for the day, or I'm already in bed (between 11pm and 1am-ish) so I'm not really in the mood for any type of news at that hour.

Is it the same for everyone everywhere? Is there any chance I could get it around the 6pm (GMT) mark? Or are you still writing it that stage Barry?!!

I've been meaning to send you a DM just to find out. But then you emailed this request to join the discussion and I thought I'd bring it up here, in case anyone else has any thoughts on the matter.

That's it from me - see ya for a pint somewhere in the future Mr. Malone!

Marie (in Cork, down the south of Ireland)

ps. If anyone out there likes Nick Cave and is feeling the urge to subscribe to yet ANOTHER periodic email, I quite like The Red Hand Files (https://www.theredhandfiles.com/). It's a weekly one (ish).

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Hi and congrats on everything that's going on with your music right now.

Yeah, this is a tough one because the subscribers come from so many different places around the world - and most are in the US. So it lands at different times for everyone.

I may try to figure out a time that makes most sense for all time zones.

I've been a bit inconsistent with timings recently because I just made a transatlantic move and started a new job, so things have been really really hectic.

Anyway, thanks for the food for thought. A pint would be *great* some day.


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