Hello Barry, fellow readers. I was a diplomat with the British Diplomatic Service for most of the 1990s, a chunk of it in Cairo. Then I resigned to do a PhD and am now an Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies at Dickinson College, an internationally-focused undergraduate institution in Pennsylvania. I researc…
Hello Barry, fellow readers. I was a diplomat with the British Diplomatic Service for most of the 1990s, a chunk of it in Cairo. Then I resigned to do a PhD and am now an Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies at Dickinson College, an internationally-focused undergraduate institution in Pennsylvania. I research and teach mainly on the Arab World and Turkey, but my broader interests include Africa south of the Sahara and the Mediterranean world. I am spending the year in Italy directing Dickinson's program here, which has meant adding Italian to the languages I speak. I benefit from Barry's eye for the slower-moving but still important stories, particularly those happening in places I otherwise spend less time on, such as Latin America and South-East Asia.
Wow, you've been about a bit. A quick google tells me the Italy program is in Bologna. Not jealous at all.... Was lucky enough to pass through for a documentary festival a few years back to take part in a panel. Was too flying a visit and would love to get back.
Great to know someone with your expertise still finds the newsletter useful.
Hello Barry, fellow readers. I was a diplomat with the British Diplomatic Service for most of the 1990s, a chunk of it in Cairo. Then I resigned to do a PhD and am now an Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies at Dickinson College, an internationally-focused undergraduate institution in Pennsylvania. I research and teach mainly on the Arab World and Turkey, but my broader interests include Africa south of the Sahara and the Mediterranean world. I am spending the year in Italy directing Dickinson's program here, which has meant adding Italian to the languages I speak. I benefit from Barry's eye for the slower-moving but still important stories, particularly those happening in places I otherwise spend less time on, such as Latin America and South-East Asia.
Cheers, Ed
Hi Ed,
Wow, you've been about a bit. A quick google tells me the Italy program is in Bologna. Not jealous at all.... Was lucky enough to pass through for a documentary festival a few years back to take part in a panel. Was too flying a visit and would love to get back.
Great to know someone with your expertise still finds the newsletter useful.