Hi Barry, I’m David in Ireland. I’m quite new to Proximities having only discovered it by way of a retweet on Twitter recently. However I already look forward to the daily emails, as those sent so far have provided a great window into under-reported events and situations around the world, which I otherwise would not have been aware of. Keep up the great work! Thank you, David.
Hi Barry, I’m David in Ireland. I’m quite new to Proximities having only discovered it by way of a retweet on Twitter recently. However I already look forward to the daily emails, as those sent so far have provided a great window into under-reported events and situations around the world, which I otherwise would not have been aware of. Keep up the great work! Thank you, David.
Hi Barry, I’m David in Ireland. I’m quite new to Proximities having only discovered it by way of a retweet on Twitter recently. However I already look forward to the daily emails, as those sent so far have provided a great window into under-reported events and situations around the world, which I otherwise would not have been aware of. Keep up the great work! Thank you, David.
Hi David - thanks for jumping in to say hi and thanks for reading.
All the best,