Hi, Barry. I'm from northern Spain and I follow the news from several satellite channels. Melissa Chan, whose reporting on some of said channels I highly value, recommended your newsletter a while back and I've been reading it since. I was thrilled when I realized you were the same Barry Malone from AJ News (I know you've moved on to new…
Hi, Barry. I'm from northern Spain and I follow the news from several satellite channels. Melissa Chan, whose reporting on some of said channels I highly value, recommended your newsletter a while back and I've been reading it since. I was thrilled when I realized you were the same Barry Malone from AJ News (I know you've moved on to new challenges since).
Yours are the news I wake up to. They're not only concise and to the point, with a link to further research on the topic, but also provide your human concern as a citizen of the world who has one finger on the pulse of what's going on and we on the Western Hemisphere won't (or can't) usually see.
Your work and dedication are really appreciated. Thank you for keeping it simple, personal and significant, which is not easy to do.
Hi, Barry. I'm from northern Spain and I follow the news from several satellite channels. Melissa Chan, whose reporting on some of said channels I highly value, recommended your newsletter a while back and I've been reading it since. I was thrilled when I realized you were the same Barry Malone from AJ News (I know you've moved on to new challenges since).
Yours are the news I wake up to. They're not only concise and to the point, with a link to further research on the topic, but also provide your human concern as a citizen of the world who has one finger on the pulse of what's going on and we on the Western Hemisphere won't (or can't) usually see.
Your work and dedication are really appreciated. Thank you for keeping it simple, personal and significant, which is not easy to do.
Io Fonte
Hi Fonte. I love Melissa Chan - one of the best journalists ever to work for Al Jazeera. Even years later, I remember some of her reports vividly.
I'm genuinely honored that you wake up to Proximities.
Thanks for saying hello,