Hi Barry! I don't know how many times I've said this before (to others more than to you) but I love what you are doing with Proximities! I'm Akshi and I live in India. I am an independent writer and researcher, and a lot of the work I do focuses on women in politics. For my newsletter #WomenLead, I also try to ensure that I am covering *…
Hi Barry! I don't know how many times I've said this before (to others more than to you) but I love what you are doing with Proximities! I'm Akshi and I live in India. I am an independent writer and researcher, and a lot of the work I do focuses on women in politics. For my newsletter #WomenLead, I also try to ensure that I am covering *global* updates that are truly global and not focussed on a handful of countries, and therefore I totally resonate with what you are trying to achieve here. Also hats off for doing this everyday. I write weekly and it takes so much work, and I can't imagine what a daily publishing schedule feels like!
Hi Akshi! Well we're mutual fans then because I love what you're doing with your newsletters. In fact, I recommended it recently in one of those Substack "writers' room" threads. I see how global you are also - really appreciated it when you covered the tragic murder of Amina Mohamed Abdi. Similarly again, your newsletter resonates with me.
Hi Barry! I don't know how many times I've said this before (to others more than to you) but I love what you are doing with Proximities! I'm Akshi and I live in India. I am an independent writer and researcher, and a lot of the work I do focuses on women in politics. For my newsletter #WomenLead, I also try to ensure that I am covering *global* updates that are truly global and not focussed on a handful of countries, and therefore I totally resonate with what you are trying to achieve here. Also hats off for doing this everyday. I write weekly and it takes so much work, and I can't imagine what a daily publishing schedule feels like!
Hi Akshi! Well we're mutual fans then because I love what you're doing with your newsletters. In fact, I recommended it recently in one of those Substack "writers' room" threads. I see how global you are also - really appreciated it when you covered the tragic murder of Amina Mohamed Abdi. Similarly again, your newsletter resonates with me.
Everyone, go subscribe to #WomenLead: https://womenlead.substack.com/
Thank you for saying hi here!
Thank you so much, Barry. All this coming from you - I'll hold your words close to my heart.