Hello Barry, I've been a subscriber of Proximities for over a year now. I am 40 from the USA and I like the fact you highlight news stories that seem to be under reported or not even mentioned. It's hard to find honest media that delivers news without spin or an agenda. I do appreciate your efforts and in all honesty would love if you di…
Hello Barry, I've been a subscriber of Proximities for over a year now. I am 40 from the USA and I like the fact you highlight news stories that seem to be under reported or not even mentioned. It's hard to find honest media that delivers news without spin or an agenda. I do appreciate your efforts and in all honesty would love if you did all news, not just what you do now. Thank you very much for your contribution and I hope it does good for someone, somewhere.
It is hard to find that sort of media for sure - and getting harder, which is very worrying and obviously has all sorts of potentially damaging implications. Maybe someday I'll look at doing something that takes in more of the world but, for now, I hope Proximities fills a big gap in a little way.
Thanks for saying hello and thanks for reading - I appreciate it.
Hello Barry, I've been a subscriber of Proximities for over a year now. I am 40 from the USA and I like the fact you highlight news stories that seem to be under reported or not even mentioned. It's hard to find honest media that delivers news without spin or an agenda. I do appreciate your efforts and in all honesty would love if you did all news, not just what you do now. Thank you very much for your contribution and I hope it does good for someone, somewhere.
Hello Jaxsey,
It is hard to find that sort of media for sure - and getting harder, which is very worrying and obviously has all sorts of potentially damaging implications. Maybe someday I'll look at doing something that takes in more of the world but, for now, I hope Proximities fills a big gap in a little way.
Thanks for saying hello and thanks for reading - I appreciate it.