Acclaimed Ugandan novelist Kakwenza Rukirabashaija has fled the country, his lawyer said today. Rukirabashaija, who last year won the PEN Pinter Prize for international writers of courage, was released from prison in January after spending a month in detention for a tweet that was critical of longtime President Yoweri Museveni and his son, who is a powerful general. Rukirabashaija’s lawyer, Eron Kiiza, told the Associated Press news agency that the author had snuck across the border into Rwanda and would be travelling on to an unnamed European country.
More from AP here.
As talks between Iran and world powers aimed at salvaging a nuclear deal torn up by former US president Donald Trump in 2018 appear to be entering their final stretch, opposition is growing from Republicans and some hawkish Democrats in Washington. Thirty-two Republican senators have now written a letter to US President Joe Biden urging him to put any renewed deal to a vote in Congress. One senator, Bob Menendez, last week began a speech to Congress by holding up a poster featuring a green, white and red bomb - the colors of the Iranian flag.
More from The Hill here.
Yemen, one of the world’s most underreported wars and an unmitigated humanitarian disaster, has featured in several editions of Proximities. Al Jazeera today published an explainer piece with a series of graphics, which offers key context and insights on seven years of war. I thought some readers may be interested in this deeper dive.
More from Al Jazeera here.